Global Door Controls TH1100-LHPSAL Aluminum Passage Lever Exit Device Trim
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Global Door Controls TH1100-LHPSAL Aluminum Passage Lever Exit Device Trim

Product ID: 292126403
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Global Door Controls Aluminum Passage Lever Exit Device Trim. Tired of the heavy touch bar of your office’s door? Or maybe you don’t want the touch bar to take up unnecessary space? Now you no longer need to have a heavy touch bar taking up space in your office. You can now get the Global Door Controls Aluminum Passage Lever Exit Device Trim. It offers a unique solution to the common problem among the doors of offices and commercial buildings. ★Blends in with the door The Passage Lever rod integration allows the touch bar to remain closer to the door. This means the touch bar wouldn’t take as much space as the others do. Therefore, you’d no longer have to face any obstruction due to the touch bar. The interlocking top latch makes the installation quicker than the average. Plus, you have the option to get it with AL a TH finishes. The touch bar would be present, but not many would notice it. ★ Heavy-duty It’s a product, making it more durable than many other ‘touch bars’ present in the market. Whether you are an office or a factory, it’s able to withstand the pressure of both kinds of commercial applications. It’s suitable for industrial use as well. Need more reasons to trust us? Combines the effectiveness of a rod with the touch bar. Can be used with doors with thickness around. Is able to work with any doors. Fits standard door preps. Pullman bottom latch and an interlocking top latch makes the installation faster. standard quality denotes high-durability. Perfect for industrial use, I. e. , for within factories, storehouses, etc. Can also be used with smaller doors if the need arises. The color is Aluminum. Get it now and you’ll not have to worry about a heavy touch bar anymore. Purchase soon before it’s sold out.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

2 weeks ago

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