
Enfagrow A+ Nutritional Milk Powder Health Drink For Toddler (3-6 Years), Vanilla 400G, Pack Of 2

Product ID: 290630127


🌟 Elevate their growth journey with Enfagrow A+! Fortified with essential nutrients to build a strong defense against infections. Packed with calcium and vitamins to support robust physical growth. Fuel your child's brain development with higher DHA for smarter tomorrows. Enjoy a delicious vanilla flavor with less sugar for guilt-free indulgence. A complete nutritional drink designed for toddlers aged 3-6 years. Supports growth Higher DHA Boosts immunity Enfagrow A+ Nutritional Milk Powder is a specially formulated health drink for toddlers aged 3-6 years, designed to support brain development, physical growth, and immunity. With higher DHA content and reduced sugar, this vanilla-flavored powder is a delicious and nutritious addition to your child's diet.

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