DLaw Designs The Chinese Zodiac greeting card For Year of the Dragon People Who born in 2024, 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928. This Chinese zodiac directory chart is a great gift to your family, and friends for their birthday, new year, graduation, get well soon, newborn, traveling, and etc. This Chinese zodiac directory chart provides a chart of 150 year of zodiac which includes the year of the zodiac in English and Chinese calendars, and the cut off date of the Chinese lunar calendar for the appropriate zodiac signs. If you were born before the cut off date, then your belong to the previous zodiac. And, if you were born on or after the cut off date, then you belong to the current zodiac year. It contains a full story of the zodiac, and how the animals became the twelve zodiacs serving for the people on earth and as the Guardians of the Heaven. It also has information on the guarding schedule for each shift of the zodiac for serving the Heaven. On the back of this Chinese Zodiac directory chart, it has the Year of the Dragon horoscope and the Love compatibility for Year of the Dragon.
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