Kreg Rip Cut & Accu-Cut Combo - Circular Saw Guide Kit - Contains: Rip Cut Rail, Accu-Cut Rail & Circular Saw Sled
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Kreg Rip Cut & Accu-Cut Combo - Circular Saw Guide Kit - Contains: Rip Cut Rail, Accu-Cut Rail & Circular Saw Sled

Product ID: 289648896
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Break down plywood with ease by turning your circular saw into an edge-guided and track-guided cutting solution. Plus, switching between the Accu-Cut and Rip-Cut is a breeze with the Universal Saw Sled –you never need to worry about setup changes. Set your projects up for success by making straight, accurate, splinter-free cuts with the Accu-Cut Circular Saw Track Guide. It rips, crosscuts, and makes angled cuts up to 50" long in plywood, MDF, and other large panels with accuracy and control. The Accu-Cut guides your circular saw along an aluminum track that holds the saw steady and keeps your cuts straight. The track guide is designed for simplicity: just mount your saw to the Universal Sled, align the Accu-Cut track to the cut line, and make the high-quality cuts you need. The anti-chip guide strips prevent splintering and tearout through the entire length of your cut. The same strips also feature an anti-slip surface that holds the track in place without clamps. The Rip-Cut turns your circular saw into a precision edge-guided cutting tool that makes straight, accurate, repeatable cuts in plywood, MDF, and other large sheets. With the Rip-Cut, you can cut with the confidence you want and the precision you need. The Rip-Cut easily makes straight, accurate, repeatable cuts without measuring, marking, or having to keep the saw on the cut line. The Rip-Cut does this with a long edge guide that follows the straight edge of the sheet you are cutting. So, all you have to do is lock the saw in at the measurement you want—up to 24"—using the built-in measuring scale and then make your cut.

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Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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