AltaVidaPet KA21 Mushrooms' Beta-Glucan - Potent Complementary, Alternative Health Support For Immunocompromised Dogs Cats Pets - Japan - N30
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AltaVidaPet KA21 Mushrooms' Beta-Glucan - Potent Complementary, Alternative Health Support For Immunocompromised Dogs Cats Pets - Japan - N30

Product ID: 288438729
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Product description Agaricus is a medicinal mushroom known to science as Agaricus brasiliensis (A. subrufescens, A. blazei, etc. as synonyms). It is widely used in Japan, other parts of Asia, and North America as an ingredient for health foods and dietary supplements. The characteristics, safety, and efficacy of Agaricus greatly differ according to its strain, cultivation method, and where it is cultivated. There are three main methods of cultivation: 1)Outdoor cultivation under the sun in the natural environment. 2)Greenhouse cultivation under completely artificial condition avoiding sunshine. 3)Tank cultivation of mycelium. Differences stemming from cultivation methods include the following: **Agaricus cultivated outdoors grows to substantially larger sizes compared to greenhouse Agaricus; **Agaricus cultivated outdoors contains 1.5 times the amount of beta-glucan, presumed to be the main ingredient of Agaricus, and is rich in Vitamin D; **Agaricus cultivated outdoors has more than 5 times the antioxidant activity. **Agaricus cultivated outdoors has been found to be richer in calcium, iron, selenium, Vitamin B1, and copper compared to Agaricus grown indoors. KA21 beta-glucan supplement contain Agaricus brasiliensis 21 strain mushrooms grown outdoors. Human clinical studies indicate KA21 is effective in strengthening immunity, alleviates metabolic syndrome, demonstrates anti-aging and quality of life (QOL) improving effects on healthy individuals including the alleviation of fatigue, cold extremities, stiff shoulders, hair loss and graying hair, and improves athlete performance. Animal studies indicate favourable effect to the liver, heart and circulatory function, promotion of wound healing and other benefits. Kennels said that they were surprised to see how energetic their pets have become, how their appetite has improved, their skin and fur became more beautiful. Ingredients 100% Agaricus powder (Brazil) [using King Agaricus 21 strain]. Each tablet contains 300 mg of King Agaricus 21 subspecies mushroom powder.King Agaricus 21 subspecies mushrooms contain naturally formatted proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and micronutrients: beta-glucan (1.3-1.6), Na, Ca, Fe, K, P, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, D, Se, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6, B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B9 (folic acid), B7 (biotin), AGT (agaritine), GABAColor and texture might differ at each product just because this product contains Agaricus cultivated outside. P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); Directions As an indication, please give 1 tablet (300 mg) a day per body weight 5 ~ 6 kg as it is or crush and mix into food Safety Warning Compound feed is not a substitute for food and should only be used to supplement the daily ratio. Legal Disclaimer The information contained within this page is not intended as a substitute for professional medical or veterinary advice or care. If your pet has, or you suspect your pet has any medical condition you are urged to consult your veterinarian. These statements have not been evaluated by the European Medicines Agency. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Medical conditions can only be diagnosed by a licensed veterinarian. Results may vary. Not intended for human consumption. Please consult your veterinarian regarding any change in treatment or supplementation. Store away from children. Manufacturer Contact Information Toei Shinyaku Co., Ltd. See more

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As an indication, please give 1 tablet (300 mg) a day per body weight 5 ~ 6 kg as it is or crush and mix into food

Safety Warning

Compound feed is not a substitute for food and should only be used to supplement the daily ratio.

Legal Disclaimer

The information contained within this page is not intended as a substitute for professional medical or veterinary advice or care. If your pet has, or you suspect your pet has any medical condition you are urged to consult your veterinarian. These statements have not been evaluated by the European Medicines Agency. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Medical conditions can only be diagnosed by a licensed veterinarian. Results may vary. Not intended for human consumption. Please consult your veterinarian regarding any change in treatment or supplementation. Store away from children.

Manufacturer Contact Information

Toei Shinyaku Co., Ltd.

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