Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs and Cats - Safe and Natural Prevention and Control of Pests on Puppies and Kittens - Waterproof - Free Comb - 2-Pack (13.8 in & 27.5 in)

Product ID: 287868201


🐶 Keep your furry friends pest-free and fabulous! Citronella aroma lasts 2-3 weeks, ensuring your pet stays fresh! Designed to withstand playtime in the rain without losing effectiveness. Advanced technology with essential plant oils for minimal irritation. Each collar offers up to 6 months of pest defense. Two collars for large and small pets, plus free comb and tweezers! Natural plant oils 2 collars (13.8in & 27.5in) Waterproof design The Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs and Cats offers a safe, natural, and cost-effective solution for pest prevention. With two sizes included, a waterproof design, and a pleasant citronella scent, these collars provide up to six months of protection while ensuring your pets remain comfortable and stylish.

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