Personalized Compass for Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion | Engraved Gift of Faith for Catholic or Christian Men, Teen Boy, Boys, Son, Grandson
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Personalized Compass for Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion | Engraved Gift of Faith for Catholic or Christian Men, Teen Boy, Boys, Son, Grandson

Product ID: 287455019
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This Stanley London Solid Brass Wilderness Scouting Compass is one of the best scouting comp available, with many advanced features not found on other pocket comp. This Compass is featured in the tutorial "Determining your Position with a Pocket Compass with a Declination Ring." The precision compass capsule features a modern liquid-damped compass with a needle that isolates movements and quickly settles to North. The jeweled arrow-shaped compass needle is easy to read, accurate, quick and responsive. An interesting feature is that the entire compass bezel will rotate to adjust to your local magnetic declination angle (the difference between true north and magnetic north). In this way you can orient to either magnetic north, true north, or any arbitrary reference. Adjustable bezels are usually reserved for the most expensive comp such as our Brunton Pocket Transit. The bright glow-in-the-dark luminescent dots are unique and invaluable for nighttime orienting. Besides a luminescent dot on the north end of the compass needle, there are also two luminescent dots that rotate with the compass bezel. In this way, you can rotate the bezel to maintain any heading with the compass needle's glowing dot centered inside the two glowing dots on the bezel. The three luminescent dots and the entire compass bezel glow brightly in the dark for easy nighttime reading. The case of the Wilderness Scouting is made of solid brass with a hinged lid which will not rust. Unlike most other brass comp, these Wilderness Scouting Comp have a special clear coating that eliminates tarnish and fingerprints on the brass. The compass lid is engraved with May Your Faith Always Guide You and three crosses.

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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