EarthMark EarthMinded DIY Rain Barrel Diverter Kit - Water Barrel/Rain Barrel Adapter Kit, Includes Spigot and Downspout Diverter For 3 x 4 Inch Downspouts - F-RN097
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EarthMark EarthMinded DIY Rain Barrel Diverter Kit - Water Barrel/Rain Barrel Adapter Kit, Includes Spigot and Downspout Diverter For 3 x 4 Inch Downspouts - F-RN097

Product ID: 285689904
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EarthMinded DIY Rain Barrel Diverter and Parts Kit (for 3 x 4 inch regular downspouts) is a state-of-the-art water collection system that allows you to convert any barrel or container into a rain barrel in minutes. A rain barrel can be located at any downspout around the home, garage or out-building to catch and store rainwater that can be used to water flowers, plants, lawns and landscaping, as well as for other outdoor chores. Rain barrels are an effective and environmentally friendly approach to water conservation and allow you to save water while reducing your water bill. Rain water does not contain additives commonly found in tap water, making for healthier plants and soil. The patented FlexiFit diverter installs easily by drilling a single hole into any standard 3” x 4” rectangular downspout. The diverter sends rainwater directly into the barrel. Once the barrel is full, the diverter will automatically pass excess water through the downspout. The kit includes a spigot designed for filling watering cans and a connection for a soaker hose. The following tools are required to install the kit: drill, level, measuring tape, screw driver, pencil or marker, scissors, safety glasses, safety gloves. This diverter offers advantages over conventional top fill rain barrels that commonly overfill and flood with heavy rain, requiring permanent modifications to your downspout. TheFlexiFit diverter helps deter algae-causing sunlight from entering the barrel. The parts kit is designed for use with a suitable water tight container with lid or a sealed drum. It works with plastic and wooden barrels but is not designed for use with metal drums. We recommend measuring your rectangular downspout before ordering this product.

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