Energy Flow Beginner Vinyasa Yoga with Jennifer Kries
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Energy Flow Beginner Vinyasa Yoga with Jennifer Kries

Product ID: 28017313
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Tone, sculpt, breathe, and de-stress with this beautifully designed and easy-to-follow DVD designed for the Yoga beginner by Jennifer Kries. Yoga is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress, sculpt and strengthen the body, enhance flexibility and cultivate peace of mind. This classically designed, flowing practice is an excellent introduction for the beginner, or anyone looking for an easy-to-follow and effective yoga program. Explore the foundational principles essential to yoga and learn how to get the most out of your practice. We embark on this path with an introduction to the basic yoga asanas (poses) and learn proper alignment, technique and breathing. Next, you'll move through a dynamic and expertly configured 30-minute program to cultivate new energy, rejuvenate the body and calm the mind. You'll become more open, flexible and energized. You'll totally transform your body and feel powerful and calm at the same time. Yoga has so many unique benefits, and what you do on the mat, you carry into your life - enjoy this inspiring introduction - embrace the grace and beauty of what happens when you dedicate yourself to connecting the body, mind and spirit. Dancer, choreographer, yoga devotee, author and Pilates master teacher, Jennifer Kries is an unparalleled innovator in the realm of alternative health and fitness. First to bring Pilates to the masses, her award-winning videos and DVDs, The Method Series, Jennifer Kries's Pilates Method and Fox/Fit TV's, The Method Show, revolutionized the fitness community, paving the way for the current wave of enthusiasm for Pilates mind-body exercise.

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