Goldenguy Ice Cleats Traction Snow Grips for Boots Shoes Women Men Kids,6 Spikes Crampons for Ice Fishing Walking Jogging Climbing and Hiking Mountaineering(1 Pair)
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Goldenguy Ice Cleats Traction Snow Grips for Boots Shoes Women Men Kids,6 Spikes Crampons for Ice Fishing Walking Jogging Climbing and Hiking Mountaineering(1 Pair)

Product ID: 278413150
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Light-weight anti-slip traction aid designed to reduce slips and falls in icy/snowy conditions When you finish walking on ice or snow, you only need to adjust the Ice Cleat to the front of the shoe, without taking off The heavy duty crampons are best in class, with long-lasting soles which are equipped with heat-treated stainless steel cleats that bite into the slickest ice and snow. Features: -Durable 304 stainless steel carbide studs -One size fits all -Industrial quality -stainless steel adjustable straps -Can be rotated to top of footwear when entering buildings -No need to remove for driving or climbing ladders/scaffold

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