A traditional flooring unique to Japan Aside from using a Japanese mattress, or Japanese bed futon, Japanese people traditionally use tatami, a type of mat used as a flooring material which also provides a softer, comfortable base for their Japanese mattress than most harder flooring types, such as wood or stone. A unique, minimalist approach to sleeping Whatever you call it, Japanese bed, futon, Japanese sleeping mat or Japanese mattress, with a wide range of its function and style, Japanese people tend to choose these pads as these helps them to keep good sleeping posture, especially when combined with tatami mat flooring. Futon is a perfect Japanese mattress This full size Futon, Japanese traditional style bedding, is a perfect Japanese mattress that is foldable or rollable, lightweight in style, and can be put away quickly allowing more space for the room to serve for other purposes other than as a bedroom Relaxing on a Futon bed Japanese people seem to know the importance of doing nothing but lying on their back on a full size Japanese mattress on the floor to allow their back to relax while resting and watching a movie or reading a good book on a lazy Sunday afternoon!