3 Ounce (4 Count) : Dove Men+Care Deodorant Stick, Clean Comfort 3 oz, 4 Count
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3 Ounce (4 Count) : Dove Men+Care Deodorant Stick, Clean Comfort 3 oz, 4 Count

Product ID: 270408503
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If you want the feeling of long-lasting freshness that won't stain your clothes, reach for Dove Men+Care Clean Comfort deodorant for men. Designed to deliver up to 48 hours of body odor protection while helping to protect skin from irritation. This Dove Men+ Care deodorant has a crisp, clean men's fragrance that keeps you feeling fresh all day long. Although it's not an unscented deodorant, it does provide a gentle, scent for everyday use. This is a mens deodorant, not an antiperspirant. Deodorants protect you from underarm odor, but not underarm sweat. But with a moisturizer technology, it feels comfortable throughout the day. Dove Men+Care does more than give you protection from odor. This dermatologically tested mens deodorant stick contains moisturizers to help avoid underarm rash and protect against irritation. Its tough on odor, not on skin. If youre looking for an effective mens deodorant that helps you avoid underarm irritation, Dove Men+Care Clean Comfort Deodorant Stick is for you. Combining moisturizer technology with 48-hour odor protection, youll feel fresh and comfortable all day long. Glide on this deodorant stick for men on to each of your underarms for long-lasting freshness and protection against sweat and odor. If youre applying Dove Men+Care Clean Comfort Deodorant Stick after a bath or shower, make sure youve dried off thoroughly first. Twist the bottom until approximately half a centimeter of the block is visible. Swipe over skin to dispense an even layer to each of your underarms. When youre on the go all the time, you need a long-lasting deodorant for men that can keep up with your busy schedule. Sweat and odor can be a problem when you're always on the move but it's a battle that's easy to win with Dove Men+Care Clean Comfort Deodorant Stick.

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