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KLOS Black Carbon Fiber Travel Acoustic Guitar Kit with Gig Bag, Strap, Capo, and more
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KLOS Black Carbon Fiber Travel Acoustic Guitar Kit with Gig Bag, Strap, Capo, and more

Product ID: 266961922
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Everything you need to start playing straight out of the box and start adventuring. The KLOS guitar is the ultimate versatile guitar suitable for both experts and beginners. Experts will find the full scale length does not compromise their ability to play to their full ability, and beginners will find the fingerboard width and overall small size of the guitar an excellent one to comfortably begin learning on. INCLUDED: The KLOS carbon fiber acoustic guitar package deal includes a KLOS carbon fiber acoustic guitar, a KLOS Guitars branded cotton no-slip with leather ends guitar strap, a KLOS Guitars branded capo, a custom fit KLOS Guitars gig bag, a custom fit KLOS Guitars gig bag rain cover, a KLOS Guitars custom fit neck sleeve, D'Addario Phosphor Bronze strings (installed), a KLOS branded screwdriver for easy assembly and disassembly, and a hex wrench for truss rod adjustments. KLOS guitars are carbon fiber travel guitars with the ability to detach their neck. Like other carbon fiber instruments, the KLOS guitar is durable, light, and beautifully designed. SPECIFICATIONS: The only hybrid carbon fiber and wooden acoustic travel guitar ever built, this guitar features a high quality mahogany and blackwood neck, a carbon fiber foam core sandwich soundboard, a carbon fiber body, blackwood bridge, D'Addario .11 gauge steel strings and ABS nut, saddle, and bridge pins. Although the guitar is already very travel friendly when it's fully assembled, you can actually disassemble the guitar and fold it in half very easily as well. Overall dimensions are 33" (L) x 11.5" (H) x 3.5" (W) with a weight 2.88 lbs when assembled, and when disassembled the neck is 21" long and the body is 15" (L) x 11.5" (H).

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Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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