Sony NW-WS623 4 GB Waterproof Walkman MP3 Player with Bluetooth - Blue
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Sony NW-WS623 4 GB Waterproof Walkman MP3 Player with Bluetooth - Blue

Product ID: 266441113
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Product Description The waterproof and dustproof WS620 Series Walkman lets you focus on the exercise you love, whether that’s in water or on land. Now with Bluetooth Wireless Technology, this tough all-in-one wireless MP3 Player is perfect for longer and more intense workouts. Suitable for temperatures ranging from -5 to 45 degrees and dustproof to an IPX6 rating so this Walkman Series is the perfect companion for beach workouts. Or if you fancy a refreshing swim on a hot day it can be submerged up to 2 metres underwater for 30 minutes, whether you’re in the pool or in the sea. Train for hours wherever you are with the simple one touch Ambient Sound mode allows you to listen clearly to sounds outside of your music, meaning you can listen out for cars on endurance cycling sessions without removing your device and lets you to talk to your workout buddy or trainer without skipping a beat. Quick Charge means that you can plug in your Walkman for just 3 minutes and be ready for a steady 60 minute workout[1]. Or fully charge for up to 12 hours[2] of your favourite music on the go. Simply connect your Walkman to your computer, drag & drop the files you want to hear, and head out the door - ready to conquer the world with the best beats in your ears, but no extra devices to weigh you down. Alternatively, simply connect your phone with Bluetooth and NFC one-touch connectivity and stream your favourite workout playlist from the phone that you just can’t train without. Set Contains: USB CradleUSB CableEarbuds (1 set)Swimming Earbuds (1 set)Adjustment bandStart-up Guide

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