ArctiClean 60ml Kit (includes 30ml ArctiClean 1 and 30ml ArctiClean 2)
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ArctiClean 60ml Kit (includes 30ml ArctiClean 1 and 30ml ArctiClean 2)

Product ID: 264961968
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ArctiClean is a two-step cleaning process that removes existing thermal grease or pads and prepares the thermal surface for a fresh application of thermal interface material. ArctiClean is a specially formulated product to remove TIM from heatsinks and electronics. Features: Unique 2-Step Process ArctiClean 1 Thermal Material Remover quickly emulsifies and dissolves the existing thermal grease or pad from the CPU and/or heatsink so that it can easily be removed with a clean cloth or paper towel. A few drops of ArctiClean 2 Thermal Surface Purifier and some gentle wiping then removes the remaining residue and inhibits flash corrosion on copper or aluminum. ArctiClean 1 Thermal Material Remover ArctiClean 1 uses a proprietary combination of non-toxic biodegradable solvents to emulsify thermal greases or thermal pads. The citrus and soy based solvents in ArctiClean 1 match or exceed many hazardous and volatile solvents such as fluorinated and chlorinated organic solvents, acetone, MEK (methyl ethyl ketone), mineral spirits, isopropyl alcohol, and toluene. ArctiClean 2 Thermal Surface Purifier The cationic surfactants in ArctiClean 2 remove any residue left by the ArctiClean 1 leaving a pristine surface for the application of a new thermal interface material. It also incorporates advanced flash corrosion inhibitors that minimize the corrosion layer on copper and aluminum allowing for more intimate contact between the thermal interface material and the heatsink. Using ArctiClean 2 With Other Solvents Most solvents and cleaning products leave residue on the CPU and heatsink that negatively affects the performance of any subsequently applied thermal interface material. ArctiClean 1 Thermal Surface Purifier removes the residue of citrus or petroleum based cleaners and inhibits flash corrosion on a copper or aluminum heatsink.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago