FastSnail 8Bitdo Wireless Controller Adapter Converter Compatible with Nintendo Switch, for MacOS, for Raspberry Pi, and for Windows, With Golden OTG Cable
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FastSnail 8Bitdo Wireless Controller Adapter Converter Compatible with Nintendo Switch, for MacOS, for Raspberry Pi, and for Windows, With Golden OTG Cable

Product ID: 263759760
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A must have Compatible with Switch GamersPlay your 8Bitdo Controllers (Include Next Gen), Switch Pro, Switch for Joy cons, PS4, PS3, Wii Mote, Wii U Pro and more, wirelessly, on Switch, Windows PCs, Macs, Raspberry Pi, laptops▶Special Features: 1. DualShock 4 support vibration / 6-axis motion on Switch. 2. X-input, D-input, Mac mode, for Nintendo Switch mode. 3. X-input mode support vibration. 4. Lag – free. ▶System Compatibility: 1. Compatible with Nintendo Switch, Windows, macOS. 2. Android TV box, Raspberry Pi, Retrofreak. ▶Controller Compatibility: 1. 8Bitdo controllers and arcade sticks (Note: Excluding 2.4G controllers) 2. DualShock 3, DualShock 4, DualShock 4 Pro. 3. Wiimote, Wii U Pro, Compatible with Nintendo Switch for Joy Cons, Compatible with Nintendo Switch Pro4.Compatible with Xbox One S / X Bluetooth Controller. But you need to update its latest firmware. ▶Dimensions and Weight: 1. 130mm x 160mm x 250mm 2. 50g ▶Steps for usage: You need to open the setup menu of the Switch and find out "Change Grip/Order" and set it to "on". 1. Plug the 8Bitdo converter into your console. 2. Turn on your controller. 3. Press both PAIR buttons on the 8Bitdo converter and controller to sync them. 4. Both LEDs on 8Bitdo converter and controller will become solid when they are successfully paired. 5. Hold Left on DPAD and Select for 3 seconds, the converter blinks and then becomes solid.Success! ▶Please Note: 1.One controller for one 8Bitdo USB adapter. 2.The adapter only supports for one joycon at a time, in the sideways mode. 3.For Switch: Make sure "Pro Controller Wired Communication" is On. ▶What you get: 1 X FastSnail 8Bitdo USB Wireless Receiver 1 X OTG Cable (Golden)

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