Pack of 36 Assorted Talavera Mexican Handmade 10.5cm Tiles: 'Aleatorio'
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Pack of 36 Assorted Talavera Mexican Handmade 10.5cm Tiles: 'Aleatorio'

Product ID: 263161172
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A pack of 36 assorted handmade, glazed, 10.5cm Talavera tiles made in the colonial city of San Miguel de Allende, decorated using the silk screen process.Our tiles are generally about 6mm thick. As they are handmade there is a little variance from tile to tile.Our tiles can be installed in a variety of situations such as kitchen back splashes, bathroom splash backs, fireplaces, light duty counter/table tops, stair risers, and hallway walls. They are water resistant and so can be used in “semi wet” situations (such as splash backs) but not in “fully wet” conditions (such as inside a shower or swimming pool). They are not suited to use as floor tiles. They are not perfectly suited to outside use as the glaze does not withstand freeze/thaw conditions. If you can live with this, they can be used outside.You can clean the tile in the same way as a normal ceramic wall tile. We suggest non-abrasive environmentally friendly cleanersThey also make great coasters or can be used in craft projects.Tumia LAC was founded in the UK in 1978 promoting fair trade crafts and goods from Latin America. We've worked with our craftsmen in Mexico for many years and ensure that we pay fair wages (set by our partners), provide good working conditions and look to provide a sustainable future for our workers.

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