Exuding an enchanting aroma of a colored and tranquil rain forest, the Kenzo Kenzo Tokyo for Men is an aromatic, fragrance for today’s men who enjoy their lives as they gain victory over its obstacles. Launched in 2007, the Tokyo for Men captures the spirit and beauty of the colorful nights of Tokyo. The growing popularity of this scent goes on to show how good it is. The 100ml clear flacon that packages the scent flaunts a shape of a bent bamboo that manifests a relaxed mood. The eau de toilette is a unique combination of shades of yellow, green, red and dark notes; the base notes intensify the natural smell of your body. While the Tokyo designer, Kashiwa Sato has designed the bottle, Marie Salamange has formulated the scent. Perfume Notes ------------- Top Notes --------- A few drops open you up to the stunning fragrances of yellow ginger and grapefruit. Middle Notes ------------ At the heart lies the freshness of the green notes of Maté and tea harmonizing with pulsating red notes of pink pepper and orange. Base Notes ---------- At the base, the intense and dark notes of cedar, nutmeg, and clove play with each other to contribute towards the longevity and sillage of this fragrance.