Heavy Skipping Rope, Battle Ropes, Weighted Jump Rope for Men Fitness Exercise, Adult Strength and Endurance Training
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Heavy Skipping Rope, Battle Ropes, Weighted Jump Rope for Men Fitness Exercise, Adult Strength and Endurance Training

Product ID: 260392563
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Features: Battle Exercise Rope is great option for the serious fitness enthusiast and beginner building out the home gym and outdoor workout. HEAVY SKIPPING ROPE - Weighted jump rope for exercises is heavier than standard jump rope, it can help you to exert more energy and build your muscle. It's a great tool to improve your strength and exercise or physical fitness training. HIGH QUALITY - Workout rope is made of nylon. It is recommended to WEAR GLOVES before exercise to avoid palm blisters or calluses. BENEFITS - Improved coordination, agility, footwork, quickness and endurance. Burn a significant amount of calories and can be effective for increasing strength and promoting weight loss. FULL BODY WORKOUT - The battle ropes are dynamic in nature, can be a godsend for improving conditioning and general strength. Engages the hands, arms, shoulders, back, core, and even legs for a full-body workout. Provides an especially great workout for boxers, swimmers, and players of baseball, basketball, football, and tennis. EASY TO USE ANYWHERE - No matter home gym or outdoor workout, this exercise training equipment is easy for you to use. It can be used for undulation, pulling, or climbing exercises, alone or as part of a team -- battling rope, exercise rope, training rope, combat rope, fitness rope, undulation rope, conditioning rope, climbing rope, etc. Battle Jump Ropes Specification: 25 mm dia 9.2ft/2.8M length, 1.2kg/2.65 lbs(recommended height under 5'11 to choose) 25 mm dia 10ft/3M length, 1.3kg/2.86 lbs(recommend height over 6' to choose) Packages: 1 x Battle Skipping Rope

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