Hydrophobic Rinse Aid - brand new formula super-strength 1:100!! 1000ml Coat and Dry Your Car Safely Gentle, Doesn't Damage Wax Coating Displaces Large Amounts Of Water Quickly Hydrophobic Coating After Drying High Dilution Ratio 1:100 Comes full strength, you can dilute 1:100 10ml per 1000ml A car detailing drying aid is a phenomenal assistant as it reduces marring and enhances your paint at the same time! Simply wash your car as normal, hose off the residual soap and then spray your diluted Rinse and watch the water disperse, now dry the car as normal. Rinse is safe on all exterior surfaces, we recommend keeping it away from windscreens as it may smear over time. For windscreens always use a specific rain repellent such as Vision which is made for glass and is non-smear.
3 weeks ago
1 week ago