WOW Life Science Krill Oil Capsules - Enriched with EPA, DHA & Astaxanthin - 500mg Krill Oil -Pack of 30 Softgel Capsules
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WOW Life Science Krill Oil Capsules - Enriched with EPA, DHA & Astaxanthin - 500mg Krill Oil -Pack of 30 Softgel Capsules

Product ID: 259515677
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WOW Life Science Krill Oil Softgels contain Krill oil that comes from a shrimp-like marine animal Krill. Krill oil is an excellent source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and types of omega-3 fats found exclusively in marine sources. These softgels do not leave a fishy aftertaste in your mouth. The fatty acids in Krill oil are in the form of phospholipids which are easier to absorb for the body. The oil gets its pink-orange tint due to the antioxidant called astaxanthin. It supports in protecting the body from oxidative damage. Krill oil aids to manage cholesterol by maintaining the HDL “good” cholesterol level in the body. It also helps to ensure supple and pliant joints and supports in pain management. Krill Oil Softgels are extracted from Krill which is a shrimp-like marine animal. It is a rich source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and types of omega-3 fats exclusive to marine sources. Krill oil helps to support cardiovascular health and healthy cholesterol by maintaining HDL “good” cholesterol level as well as manages joint health. The antioxidant astaxanthin present imparts the oil it’s orange-pink tint and neutralizes the damage caused by free radicals. Every softgel of WOW Life Science Krill oil softgel contains a 1000mg blend of signature, potent formulation for your wellness. 30N Softgels per pack.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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