GearLight UV Flashlight Black Light from 68 LED Blacklight Flashlight Dog/Cat Pet Urine Detector, Scorpion, Bed Bug, Resin Curing, Dog Stain, and Carpet Odor Eliminator Remover, ID Checking_XR68
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GearLight UV Flashlight Black Light from 68 LED Blacklight Flashlight Dog/Cat Pet Urine Detector, Scorpion, Bed Bug, Resin Curing, Dog Stain, and Carpet Odor Eliminator Remover, ID Checking_XR68

Product ID: 258710803
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GearLight XR68 UV Black Light FlashlightOur XR68 UV Black Light Flashlight is the perfect handheld tool for uncovering your pet dog’s dry urine stains, rodent stains, and other surface spots that are undetectable under natural human eyes. This multifunctional and versatile device can also detect scorpions and car engine leaks, and authenticate currency, passports, or fraudulent IDs. Use it as a nail dryer, UV charger for fishing lures, to reveal glow-in-the-dark toys, cure resin while crafting, or while out camping.How does a black light work?Certain materials glow when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. Our UV XR68 flash light will emit this UV light and allow these materials to GLOW instead of drowning them with visible white bright light. That is why the effectiveness of UV flashlights are not based on their beam brightness, but more so on their ability to make things fluoresce.Black Light Flashlight Applications:Blacklight Pet Urine DetectorRestroom, Bathroom Cleaning SanitationAntique/Hotel Room InspectionsCounterfeit Currency and Fake ID DetectionSearch and Identify Precious Minerals, Rocks, or Jewelry Investigate Fabric and TextilesIdentify Fluorescent Agents Black Light Flashlight Scorpion CatcherFuel or Oil Leak InspectionCure ResinNote: Will not work with cat urine, wet stains, new $100 bills, or in light environments.Package Contents:1x GearLight XR68 UV Flashlight1x AA Battery Holder (Batteries are not included)1x Lanyard1x Operation Guide1x Warranty Card

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