KILLI Senna | Nilavarai | Sanay | Cassia angustifolia | Sonamukhi Leaves Crushed, 100g
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KILLI Senna | Nilavarai | Sanay | Cassia angustifolia | Sonamukhi Leaves Crushed, 100g

Product ID: 258499496
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KILLI® SENNA CRUSHED LEAVESHEALTH BENEFITSSenna has been known for thousands of years to relieve constipation and to eliminate any worms or parasites. Its potential detoxifying effect gives your body a complete cleanse and promotes weight loss. Its powerful laxative effect helps to clear out the colon.HOW TO MAKEBoil one teaspoon (2-3g) of Killi Senna leaves with 150ml of water for 3-5 minutes. Filter and serve. Add palm sugar to enhance the taste, if required.KILLI® HERBS & SPICESKILLI® having its special care and scientific approach in every stop of processing of herbs to retain the active principle, taste and aroma, explores the value of traditional herbs with uncompromising quality and taste to customers. We believe that the traditional wisdom is the wealth of our Nation. KILLI's unique herbal combinations offers its customers the best healthy solutions. KILLI® is a Registered Trademark of Gtee®

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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