Fowler 72-646-300 6" Cylinder Dial Bore Gauge
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Fowler 72-646-300 6" Cylinder Dial Bore Gauge

Product ID: 256927080
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Fowler Cylinder Dial Bore Gage with carbide tipped anvils has a measurement range of 2-6 ". This product has a 1-year warranty offered by Fowler High Precision. Bore gages measure holes, or bores, in a workpiece. They can measure the interior diameter of a hole at any depth (within its reach), while internal micrometers can only measure to the depth of their contacts. Bore gages are typically calibrated with a setting ring and come in two types: simple and direct measuring. Simple bore gauges are used with a caliper to transfer the hole measurement, while the more complex gauges take the measurement directly and display it through a vernier, dial, or digital display. Bore gages have a two- or three-point contact, indicating how many points on the gage head touch the inside of the bore. Two-point contacts are better at measuring ovality, while three-point contacts are used to measure lobing or triangular form error. Pistol-grip bore gages are used for fast, single-handed operation with repeatable results from one operator to another. Bore gages can also be used in special applications, such as measuring threads, spline pitch diameters, and deep bores. Fowler, an American company, manufactures premium inspection and measurement instruments like electronic indicators, calipers, bore gages, and micrometers. The company, founded in 1946, is headquartered in Newton, MA.

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