AppleRound Green Horse Hopper, Pump Included (Inflatable Jumping Horse, Space Hopper, Ride-on Bouncy Animal)
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AppleRound Green Horse Hopper, Pump Included (Inflatable Jumping Horse, Space Hopper, Ride-on Bouncy Animal)

Product ID: 256585260
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This jumping horse (bouncy hopper) is children's favorite playmate! Your little ones will learn balance and coordination while riding on the horse and having fun! The Jumping Horse can be inflated to a saddle height of 28 cm/ 11 inches with a regular hand pump. A 9-inch two-way action pump is included for FREE! Recommended Ages: 3 years and up. Children under 3 years old should use under direct supervision of an adult. Easy inflation: Take out the inserted white plug (air stopper) from the hole in the horse belly; insert the tip of the pump and inflate the hopper to good size, and then replace the white plug back into the hole quickly. Bounce! FAQs: Q1: The nozzle doesn’t fit, I can’t use the pump. A: The inserted white plug (air stopper) in the hopper must be removed first! Inflation Instruction: Step 1: Take out the inserted white plug (air stopper) from the hopper belly Step 2: Insert the tip of the pump into the mouth (built-in variable aperture) Step 3: Pumping the hopper to proper size Step 4: Quickly replace the white plug back into the hole to stop air leak. Done! Q2: The pump doesn’t pump out air, how to get a replacement for a faulty pump, or a hopper? A: Should Pump be faulty or Hopper defective, please 'Contact Seller' directly (other than Customer Service) from Buyer Central against this order for a replacement or refund. Seller aims to provide hassle-free after-sales service and usually replies most emails in 12 hours.

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