Bandai's Soul of Chogokin is a series of nostalgic yet high-tech series of diecast metal robots or mecha, packed with hidden gimmicks and features. The designers start from square one for each release, constantly challenging themselves to bring out the unique potential of every robot. The Soul of Chogokin are the world's most advanced robot toys. Finally, a "Spazer" designed just for the Soul of Chogokin Grandizer D.C. (Dynamic Classics) series figure! Includes a custom adaptor link designed to perfectly secure the Grandizer D.C. figure (sold separately). Includes parts to replicate either the Spazer or the Double Spacer. Features anime-accurate articulation and even a shortened deck to avoid sc against the Grandizer during its "Combination Cross" scene. Includes the Spacer, two Spin Saucers, two Spin Drills, a Double Spacer, an optional Double Spacer docking part, a TFO, a stand, and one pair of arms for Grandizer. Additional joint parts included as well. NOTE: The GX-76 Grendizer D.C. die case action figure is SOLD SEPARATELY!
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