Belecoo Infant Stroller High Landscape Fold Baby Stroller with Rubber Wheel Good Shock absorption Baby Pram, Belecoo, Khaki
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Belecoo Infant Stroller High Landscape Fold Baby Stroller with Rubber Wheel Good Shock absorption Baby Pram, Belecoo, Khaki

Product ID: 255645121
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Fully adjustable handlebar and weather protection cover. Large cushioned cradle. High view. Two-way stroller. Quickly fold. Super shock absorbers. Safe and comfort. Large storage basket. Rotate the front wheel with the suspension spring. Fully adjustable 5 point harness. Adjustable handlebar meets the needs of people in different height, you can adjust the most comfortable position to push; Reversible stroller seat makes it easy for babies to face the parents or to face the world. Rubber wheels are roll effortlessly over all rough terrains such as the grass, gravel road, the sidewalk, the sand and so on. Swiveling front wheel can be locked at a precise position and the suspension springs equipped on it effectively absorb different shocks to protect the baby ;s brain and body. One-touch parking brake can at the same time brakes the two rear wheels rapidly and thoroughly to make the baby away from dangers and risks. Multi-position seat can be upright, semi-reclined, and then more deeply reclined. So it is suitable for babies from 0 to 3 years old. Easy to fold and can be collected in a car trunk. Once collapsed it is self-standing. Parents push it go out for shopping, traveling, taking a walk, playing and chatting in the park or for a picnic outdoor. Products with environmentally friendly materials, the baby without any radiation damage! ; Net weight: 13 kg Folding size: 116 x 65 x 27 cm The diameter of front wheels: 20 cm The diameter of rear wheels: 30 cm

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Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

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