Mustad Demon Perfect Circle, in-Line 1X Fine Wire - Red-Size 1/0 - Pack of 10
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Mustad Demon Perfect Circle, in-Line 1X Fine Wire - Red-Size 1/0 - Pack of 10

Product ID: 25511451
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The Mustad Demon Wide Gap Perfect Circle Hook is a true circle hook featuring a wide gap, offering the best hookup ratios. No wonder it is so popular among tournament fishermen. It features a 1X extra heavy wire and 2X extra short shank, making it perfect to battle heavier and bigger fish. The distinct curved shape of the circle hook will, when the fish takes the baited hook and swallows it, ensure that the hook travels to the corner of the mouth or lip, resulting in fewer deep-hooked fish. The circle hook can be used for a whole range of applications from drifting with live bait for Tarpon or trolling for Marlin with bridle rigged live bait to deep-dropping for Swordfish. When live baiting, always choose a hook size that matches the bait. Setting the hook is more of a firm tightening of the line, than an actual strike. It is in other words, the ultimate Catch & Release hook. Use it to target Tuna, Marlin, Sailfish, Swordfish, Sharks, Wahoo, Halibut, Amberjack, Permit, Striped Bass, Skipjack, Bonito, Bluegill, Panfish, Sunfish, Catfish, or Alligator Gar. This hook is Tournament Approved by the Billfish Foundation. Available in black nickel and blonde red finish. Opti-Angle Needle Point Wide gap 3 Ultra Point technology 1X extra heavy wire 2X extra short shank Ringed eye Chemically sharpened Nor-Tempered Billfish Foundation approved

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