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carevas, DorsaWood Gymnastic Rings Gym Rings with 4.5M Adjustable Long Strap for Home Gym Fitness Body Strength and Muscular Bodyweight Training, Brown
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carevas, DorsaWood Gymnastic Rings Gym Rings with 4.5M Adjustable Long Strap for Home Gym Fitness Body Strength and Muscular Bodyweight Training, Brown

Product ID: 254050520
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The wooden gymnastic rings allow you to grip tightly which eliminates the need to buy extra chalk. Once you've bought them they're all you will ever need. Wood gym rings that won't allow you to slip ensures you can perform extreme exercises with absolute confidence. You'll never feel relaxed upside down if it feels like you can't grip the rings as tight as possible. No matter how much you push yourself to your limits, the strength of the wood gymnastic rings means they'll last years. Just don't let them sit outside in the rain and they will remain as solid as the day you bought them. The 15 foot straps means you can hang your wood gymnastics rings from beams, trees, and hundreds of other places. This also includes multiple places all around the world, so they're a great travel companion. The ultimate gym rings exercise enthusiasts can use to take their skills to the next level outside the gym. Nobody will be able to beat your times when hitting the box in the future.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

2 months ago

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