GiovanniEco Chic Smooth as Silk Shampoo - Deep Moisturizing and Frizz Calming Formula, 8.5 Ounce (Pack of 1)
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GiovanniEco Chic Smooth as Silk Shampoo - Deep Moisturizing and Frizz Calming Formula, 8.5 Ounce (Pack of 1)

Product ID: 253999835
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GIOVANNI Eco Chic Smooth As Silk Deep Moisture Shampoo has a pearlized formula that glistens in your hand and transforms your hair into a silky palette. Enriched with Apple and Aloe extracts, this shampoo provides antioxidant protection for enhanced moisture and even silkier hair. GIOVANNI was the first full-range, salon-inspired hair-care brand in natural product stores, and today is the #1 selling Hair Care line in the United States Natural Products Industry. But before there was a brand, there was a pioneer. Arthur Guidotti had a vision and a love for all things hair. He began developing his passion as a hairstylist in Hollywood and Beverly Hills. By the 1960s, Arthur was maturing his talents and decided to open his own salon, called On Sunset. The salon was a bustling site, on the famous Sunset Strip, and a hit with many Hollywood celebrities, including Lucille Ball. Since 1979 the GIOVANNI Rule of Balance has been our commitment to make each product as pure and as natural as possible without sacrificing exceptional product performance. GIOVANNI is committed to creating only the highest-performance formulations, wrapped in aesthetically beautiful packaging and marketed with extraordinary visuals and graphics.

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