GrillTex- Under the Grill Protective Deck & Patio Mat
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GrillTex- Under the Grill Protective Deck & Patio Mat

Product ID: 253717952
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GRILLTEX Grill Mats are designed to shield decks, patios, garage floors and other surfaces from damage caused by drips and spills around your outdoor grill. The 30 x 48 inch rectangular mat is perfect for pellet or wood smokers, gas grills, turkey fryers, and more. The pebbled top texture provides an attractive look and a protective barrier from grease, oils, sauces and other messes. The unique front drip zone is a lip that extends past the grill front to catch drips, spills, or splatter in the area that needs it most. Protecting your wood or composite wood decking is a smart move, especially when frying turkeys for Thanksgiving, tailgates or holiday parties. GRILLTEX mats protect your patio from grease splatter, juice drips, and dropped food. The shallow pebbled texture is easy to clean. Just wipe with a paper towel or spray with a hose. For more stubborn messes, use a household cleaner. The black patio mats are 0.11 inch thick and have a mini pyramid texture on the underside. Each GRILLTEX mat contains an antifungal and antimicrobial agent that protects the mat from deterioration due to fungus and bacteria. The mats are tested to perform up to 500-degrees F and can be used under most cookers and grills with a heat source that sits approximately 6 inches above the mat. The mat is not intended to be used as a heat shield, or come into contact with direct flame or heat sources. If left on the mat, embers and coals can burn a hole through the plastic matting. To assure the best fit for your grill, smoker or turkey fryer, measure the width and depth of your cooker and select the mat size that allows a minimum of 2-3 inches of coverage around the perimeter of your grill. GRILLTEX Grill Mats are durable and heavy duty, yet roll easily for handling and storage..

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

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