The Learning Journey My First 4-in-A-Box Puzzle - 123 - Puzzles for 2 Year Olds - STEM Educational Toddler Toys & Gifts for Boys & Girls Ages 2 and Up - Award Winning Puzzles
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The Learning Journey My First 4-in-A-Box Puzzle - 123 - Puzzles for 2 Year Olds - STEM Educational Toddler Toys & Gifts for Boys & Girls Ages 2 and Up - Award Winning Puzzles

Product ID: 25340558
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Product Description 1, 2, 3 - grow with me! Blast off into learning and discover the galaxy of numbers with this colorful progressive four-puzzle set. These puzzles advance from 2 pieces to 4 pieces to 6 pieces to 8 pieces and grow with your child as they continue early development. My First Puzzle Sets contain four puzzles depicting silly space aliens and are perfect for little toddler hands to develop essential motor skills. The counting creatures provide a visually interactive experience as your child learns to count and learns number recognition with the increasing difficulty of each puzzle. Countdown to lift off and let your little one’s imagination soar through space while introducing them to the universe of numbers! Are you looking to inspire imagination while cultivating an enthusiasm for early learning and social play? Seeking a SAFE preschool toy that is fun and educational? Wanting to take your little astronaut on a star-studded adventure?!? Then the 4-In-A-Box 123 puzzles are the perfect gift for your little one . They are excellent for both boys and girls ages 2 and up. From the Manufacturer Since its start in 1995, The Learning Journey has been designing, manufacturing and distributing an exclusive line of award-winning children’s interactive educational products. The Learning Journey has focused on creating products that offer consumers excellent value – both financially and educationally. Our exclusive products encourage learning and build confidence, helping children develop the skills they need to prepare for school and beyond.

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