lederhosen4uAuthentic Lederhosen German Lederhosen Outfit Bavarian Clothing, BERGKRISTALL Dark Brown
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lederhosen4uAuthentic Lederhosen German Lederhosen Outfit Bavarian Clothing, BERGKRISTALL Dark Brown

Product ID: 25282408
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Buy Lederhosen. Get your own German Lederhosen to wear an authentic piece of Bavarian clothing to your next Oktoberfest or Halloween party. This authentic lederhosen costume comes with the matching suspenders (shirt, socks and shoes are not included). Dark brown cow suede leather lederhosen. Suspenders are included with these German lederhosen tracht. The classic embroidery is a playful display of traditional Bavarian ornament work. As well as the Georg lederhosen, this German lederhosen outfit is an alltime classic pair of lederhosen. You are picturing a German in lederhosen wearing a lederhosen costume at the Oktoberfest in Munich? This lederhosen outfit is the way to go then. All our German lederhosen outfits are advertised in actual inches, measured around the inside of the waist band. Please measure your jeans or pants at home to see with how many inches you come up with when you run a tape measure along the inside of the waist band all the way around. The measurement you are coming up with is the size you want to order your lederhosen in. The leather of our Bavarian clothing also stretches a little bit after a few times of wearing. There is a lace in the back of the waist (like a shoe lace) to fine tune the fit. you can loosen and tighten your authentic lederhosen about an inch. If you are unable to measure we do recommend to go one size up from your pants/jeans size that you usually wear as these lederhosen run small.

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