Material: linen Oil Painting Type: Digital Painting Theme: Landscape Production method: pure hand-painted Frame: Frameless Genre: Romanticism Title of work: Deer Visual effect: three-dimensional Other Specification: 40*50cm Color classification: Venice town Unfinished painting, please enjoy the painting process by yourself. There are many marks on the canvas that can guide you to fill the correct color. You need to map acrylic numbers to the same numbers on the canvas to complete your own masterpiece. Acrylic paint does not need to be diluted, just apply directly. If you fill in the wrong color, please cover the correct color after drying. When you change another color, please clean the brush. The oil brush attached to this painting has soft bristles and is flexible enough to move along this area. Larger brushes are suitable for larger areas, while smaller brushes are best for drawing thin lines and details in pictures.
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