Mr. Coffee Espresso and Cappuccino Machine, Programmable Coffee Maker with Automatic Milk Frother and 19-Bar Pump, Stainless Steel
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Mr. Coffee Espresso and Cappuccino Machine, Programmable Coffee Maker with Automatic Milk Frother and 19-Bar Pump, Stainless Steel

Product ID: 249617769
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Skip the trip or long lines at the local coffee shop and easily create extraordinary coffee drinks at home with Mr. Coffee One-Touch CoffeeHouse. With a simple press of a button, you can make espressos, cappuccinos, and lattes within minutes. Choose from a single or double shot of espresso and then let the automatic milk frother steam the milk of your choice into a light and airy foam. A 19-bar Italian pump delivers the optimal amount of pressure to squeeze every bit of flavor from the brew for delicious barista-quality drinks.Care & Maintenance:Mineral deposits built-up in the Espresso Maker will affect the operation of the appliance. Your Espresso Maker must be descaled when you begin to notice an increase in the time required to brew espresso, or when there is excessive steaming. Also, you may notice a build-up of white deposits on the surface of the brew head. The frequency of cleaning depends upon the hardness of the water used. Please reference the Instruction Booklet for detailed steps for descaling your Espresso Maker. Mineral deposits built-up in the Espresso Maker will affect the operation of the appliance. Your Espresso Maker must be descaled when you begin to notice an increase in the time required to brew espresso, or when there is excessive steaming. Also, you may notice a build-up of white deposits on the surface of the brew head. The frequency of cleaning depends upon the hardness of the water used.

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

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