Heebo Super Concentrated Germ killer Surface Disinfectant, Sanitizer & Cleaner 5 LTR Pack of 1 | Kills 99.9% Germs, Bacteria | Fogging & Misting | Instrument Disinfection | Surface Disinfection | Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Viral | Anti-Mold, Anti-Mildew Sporicidal | Clean-Sanitize-Disinfect Anything & Everything.
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Heebo Super Concentrated Germ killer Surface Disinfectant, Sanitizer & Cleaner 5 LTR Pack of 1 | Kills 99.9% Germs, Bacteria | Fogging & Misting | Instrument Disinfection | Surface Disinfection | Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Viral | Anti-Mold, Anti-Mildew Sporicidal | Clean-Sanitize-Disinfect Anything & Everything.

Product ID: 246529974
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HEEBO SUPER CONCENTRATED SURFACE DISINFECTANT & SANITIZER isa powerful disinfectant for all surfaces and surroundings. It is a Bio- Based and user safe product, it is a special concentrated formula ideal fora disinfecting and sanitizing most of the surfaces for professional, household and thealthcare setup use. INSTRUCTION FOR USE FOGING Prepare dilute solution with 10% of the super concentrated solution(i.e. 100ml per 1 litre of clean water). This product can be used on any kind of fogger or misting device. For healthcare applications the surface must be undistrububed for an hour to dry. INSTRUMENT DISINFECTION & SANITIZATION: Prepare a dilute solution with 10% of the super concentrated solution (i.e. 100ml per 1 litre of clean water). For use on regular instruments the minimum undisturbed time to disinfect and dry in 30 minutes. For critical care instruments the minimum undistrubed to disinfect and dry is 10 hours followed by a rinse with sterile water. SURFACE DISINFECTION: prepare a dilute solution with 5% of the super concentrated solution (i.e. 100ml per 1 litre of clean water). For use on Floors, Tiles, walls, Countertops, etc., it is recommended to let the surface undisturbed for 5 minutes for complete disinfection. CAUTION: Avoid contact with eyes, For external use only. Keep away from children. INGRIEDIENTS: Benzalkonium Chloride Solution - 50% I.P., 16.38% (as Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride), 8.19% surfactant, 8.7% Hydrogen Peroxide and Excipients.

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