Lilovi Premium Anion Sanitary Towels for Day and Night Use 8pads x 10 Packs
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Lilovi Premium Anion Sanitary Towels for Day and Night Use 8pads x 10 Packs

Product ID: 245220761
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Lilovi Premium quality Anion, Ultra-Thin Sanitary Towel for DAY and NIGHT use with breathable back sheet Composed of 8 layer Protection to deliver soft as a pillow texture while causing no irritation or itching, high absorbency, eliminate leakages and odour and a longer duration of dryness; wrapped beautifully in an aluminium pack with resealable open tape Features guarantee dryness within seconds, eliminate the possibility of leakages ,irritation and itching when you cannot replace your pad as quickly as you desire and a comforting feel so you have that confident reassurance to face the day or sleep at night. All complemented with a comprehensive chip for enhanced protection when you need it the most Size of pack fits snuggly in your handbag or backpack; so you are good to go for that trip or important appointment while it complements the content of your bag with the colorful cover design and premium quality and highly aesthetic aluminium wrap with resealable open tape Composed with 8-layer protection, providing instant dryness for up to 200 ml of flow, cotton soft texture for comfort and no itching for a longer duration than other pads in the market Lilovi contains Liquid-locking gel and 3D contour edges to exclude any leakages Each pad is individually wrapped and sealed in a safe and dust-free bag For extra protection, pads are embedded with Negative Ion, Nanosilver and far-infrared magnetic chip that helps prevent bacterial multiplication, eliminate odor, and promotes comfort during the menstrual period/monthly flow

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Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

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