TreadWright Axiom II A/T Tire - Remold USA - LT275/70R18E
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TreadWright Axiom II A/T Tire - Remold USA - LT275/70R18E

Product ID: 245050939
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The Axiom’s all-terrain design provides symmetrical center rib and outer lugs for a smooth and quiet ride, a contemporary upper sidewall traction bars and abundant siping for your Light Truck and SUV. The Axiom II is known for its traction, handling and steering control in tough off-road conditions without generating excessive noise on the highway. No adventure is off limits for the Axiom's superior traction and handling characteristics. TreadWright has been manufacturing remolded tires in the USA for over 30 years. TreadWright uses a remold manufacturing process that is nearly identical to new tire manufacturing. The process starts with a premium casing (Goodyear, Michelin etc.) that has passed a complete integrity inspection. Occasionally we will repair and vulcanize a pinhole leak in an otherwise approved, quality inspected casing. The used tread is buffed off the casing and then completely rebuilt with a new commercial grade tread compound. The rebuilt casing is then remolded with the same presses and manufacturing processes used to cure new tires. These Bead to Bead tires have additional rubber added to the sidewalls and they are remolded with our TreadWright brand. The tread is a commercial grade rubber compound, which has proven to provide up to 25% more tread life than comparable imports in on/off road terrain. Recycled/remolded tires are used in 80% of commercial airlines, emergency response vehicles and school buses all across the US. The DOT has determined that remolded tires and new tires have the exact same defect rate. TreadWright Tires are produced with 70% recycled materials. Each TreadWright tire uses approximately 6 gallons of oil compared to 18 gallons for a new tire. Join the Remold Revolution! We offer the best value 275/70R18 tires.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

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