Sardinian Bread Pane Carasatu - Italian Carasau Bread from Sardinia - Made in Italy Bread Crispy Flat (2 Pack) Retail Box 14.1 Oz | 400 g
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Sardinian Bread Pane Carasatu - Italian Carasau Bread from Sardinia - Made in Italy Bread Crispy Flat (2 Pack) Retail Box 14.1 Oz | 400 g

Product ID: 243253485
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Pane Carasau is a traditional flatbread from the sunny island of Sardinia. This century-old recipe was originally used by shepherds so that they could take bread with them during the many months away from home but has now become a mainstream item in modern Sardinian cuisine. Sardinian bakeries pride themselves with making this crisp bread as thin as possible and our Pane Carasau is as thin as it comes. Grill it on a BBQ or a grille for a few seconds (until it starts turning darker) then stack it on a platter drizzling EVOO and a pinch of salt between each layer. You will not believe how popular this bread is at family gatherings or dinners with friends. Exceptional with a fresh Sardinian Pecorino Cheese, seafood platters, or just as a healthy, tasty, snack. The Battacone artisan bakery was born in the far 1975 in Irgoli, in the heart of the Barony. Of the traditions of our territory we have treasured, transferring them to the production of the typical bread of Sardinia, the Pane Carasau, known beyond the Tyrrhenian Sea as music paper. With the same passion and the same recipe of our ancestors, today we can let you taste the taste of the bread that was made at home many years ago. Over time, the quality of the products and all their characteristics have remained intact, but modern means have enabled us to achieve important results. Today the Battacone bakery is able to meet the needs of all its customers throughout the country, guaranteeing quality and professionalism. In any part of Italy it is possible to have our products. If you want to have an important showcase of our products in your store, and let you know one of the most typical and good traditional Sardinian recipes, all you have to do is contact us and we will be at your disposal to meet your needs.

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