Black Textured Rubber Peel and Stick Grip Enhancements for Ruger 22/45 with Polymer Frame
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Black Textured Rubber Peel and Stick Grip Enhancements for Ruger 22/45 with Polymer Frame

Product ID: 24245344
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Usage/Applications: *SRG70 (Super Rubberized Grit, 70 Shore A Durometers) - This is the best handgun gripping material ever made, bar none. It is our new and exclusive gripping material and it is superior to our other three textures listed below. Best for all applications, including concealed carry, competition, plinking, shooting at the range, no limitations. *RAW 80 Grit ("Sand Paper"/Grit Grip Tape) - Great for competition, plinking, shooting at the range. The grit style texture is not the best choice for concealed carry, because the grit is abrasive to skin and clothing. *Black Textured Rubber - Good for any situation including competition, plinking, shooting at the range, and concealed carry. *GusGrips MAX-R Rubber - Great for competition, plinking, shooting at the range. Possibly not the best choice for concealed carry. Some have reported: GusGrips MAX-R Rubber material will grip anything, including your clothing, which could cause your shirt to ride up. They work very well in the 5.11 Tactical Holster T-Shirt, because there is no lint in the synthetic material used in the shirt and the handgun will not move around inside the pocket due to the extremely tactile nature of the MAX-R rubber material. They will pick up lint, hair and dust, but can be cleaned easily enough with either a clean dry soft bristled toothbrush or by running cold water over them and lightly brushing them in one direction. Others, including ourselves, do not have any issues with the GusGrips MAX-R Rubber while carrying concealed. It all depends on how you carry and what you wear and your level of activity. You might not be very impressed when first taking the grip material out of the package, but after they are applied to the grip of your handgun, their gripping properties will become very evident. Give them a chance and we guarantee that you will not be disappointed. You are not necessarily paying for just material. You are paying for technology and improved functionality and handling!

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Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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