Contains a 60 Card Deck, Coin, Rulebook, & Counters! Ultimate Challenges... Supreme Victors! Path to Victory... Increase your power with impressive new Pok%E9mon that will take you to the pinnacle of Pok%E9mon battles%97the Battle Frontier! The brand-new Pok%E9mon Trading Card Game In the new Pok%E9mon TCG set, Platinum%97Supreme Victors, you'll find more sizzling Pok%E9mon SP like Blaziken, more ferocious Pok%E9mon LV.X like Charizard LV.X, and more opportunities to battle your way to the top. Victory will be supreme when you play with Pok%E9mon trained by Team Galactic, the Battle Frontier elite, and the Sinnoh League Champion! This latest installment of the best-selling Pok%E9mon TCG contains more than 150 cards and features new Pok%E9mon SP and new Pok%E9mon LV.X including Rayquaza, Garchomp and more! Collect Dragon Type Pok%E9mon including Charizard and Rayquaza Discover new Pok%E9mon LV.X including Charizard, Garchomp, and Blaziken More Pok%E9mon SP including Frontier Brain's Pok%E9mon and Champion's Pok%E9mon Supreme VictorsStay tuned for more information about Platinum%97Supreme Victors!
1 week ago
1 month ago