ICONIQ Stainless Steel Insulated Tumbler Mug with Built-in Handle and Splash Proof Lid | 12 Ounce | Seafoam Green
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ICONIQ Stainless Steel Insulated Tumbler Mug with Built-in Handle and Splash Proof Lid | 12 Ounce | Seafoam Green

Product ID: 235089811
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Color:Seafoam  |  Size:12 oz Introducing the all-new ICONIQ Cafe Collection. These modern travel coffee mugs are perfect for staying in or taking with you on an adventure! Although the name has coffee in it, this lowball inspired mug is perfect for a variety of drinks such as teas, water, liquor, and much more! The double-walled vacuum insulated design keeps your cold drinks COLD for up to 12 hours and hot drinks HOT for up to 6 hours! Keep your hands sweat-free and dry instead of burning or freezing. The flask also feature an easy to grip handle. Our simple, minimalist handle design allows you to hang on to your coffee cup no matter what you are doing. We only source 18/8 stainless steel so that you can take a swig out of our tumblers without fear of toxic chemicals! 18/8 stainless steel is also known to inhibit the growth of mold, bacteria, other harmful pathogens, as well as rust. Included is our press on lid which is easy to clean. To take off or put on the lid, simply pull the lid off or press on it to install it back on. Now you can travel with your mug anywhere knowing that spills are kept at bay. The non-toxic silicone o-rings and mouthpiece cover keeps your mug spill proof. All plastic and silicone used to make this product are tested to be free of BPAs. This is the perfect gift to treat yourself or family and friends. Suitable for men and women alike! Available in 12oz or 20oz volume.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

4 days ago

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