01273 Kid's Front Handlebar Bike Basket, All Weather, Water Resistant, Adjustable Leather Straps, Polypropylene, White with Pink Trim
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01273 Kid's Front Handlebar Bike Basket, All Weather, Water Resistant, Adjustable Leather Straps, Polypropylene, White with Pink Trim

Product ID: 2336695
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Our main drive was to answer one question; can we make a better bike basket? First we had to define better. Safety was a huge issue to us. Traditional bike baskets tend to wear after time, causing the materials to crack and splinter which could damage items put into the bike basket or even hurt the people using them. Our bike baskets are made of a solid synthetic cord that does not crack or splinter; it's even food contact safe. The cord is so durable you can clean it in the dishwasher. Bike baskets spend a lot of time outside, exposed to all types of elements. We wanted to design a basket that would resist the damaging effects of water and sun and whose bright beautiful colors could withstand long exposure. Thanks to our solid synthetic cord our bike baskets are stronger and more durable than baskets made from traditional materials. Lastly we wanted a bike basket that stood out, one that perfectly fused function with style. People put a lot of thought into their bikes so we worked hard on our unique top trim design to find that balance of eye catching beauty and durability. Our bike baskets come in a wide array of colors and each one is hand woven to give it that personally crafted look and feel. These are the only colorful hand woven bike baskets you will find that have not been painted and treated with harsh chemicals. The best part is our solid cord is made from 15% recycled materials and all of our baskets can be safely recycled to protect the environment.

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Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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