
2 Pcs Butterfly Ice Cube Tray Silicone Ice Molds Butterfly Silicone Mold for Wax Melts Butterfly Chocolate Mold Fondant Candy Molds

Product ID: 233000429



🦋 Elevate your entertaining game with whimsical butterfly treats! Non-stick design ensures effortless demolding and cleaning. Perfect for ice cubes, chocolates, gummies, and even candles! Crafted from BPA-free silicone, safe for all your culinary adventures. Space-saving design makes storage a breeze! Create delightful butterfly-shaped ice, candy, and more! 100% food grade silicone Cute butterfly shape Heat-resistant -104℉ to 446℉ This 2-piece butterfly ice cube tray is made from 100% food-grade silicone, ensuring safety and versatility. With a heat resistance range of -104℉ to 446℉, it's perfect for creating unique ice, candy, and baked goods. The non-stick feature allows for easy demolding and cleaning, making it a must-have for any kitchen enthusiast.

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