BIO HUME-Modern agricultural methods have depleted the soil and our city water systems filter humic substances out. Even in organic agriculture it's important to add humic substances as stimulants for microbes and food for worms, whether that's in the form of tons of compost or small amount of humic acids. Additionally, while humic acid will remain stable in the soil, fulvic acid is used up rather quickly. Bio FungiBio-Fungi has the unique ability to enter the plant vascular system and reach the various parts of the plant system. It acts as a systemic bio-control agent against various fungal and bacterial diseases.NPKNPK BACTERIA-Nitrogen is essential for growth of stems and roots. Phosphorous is essential for growth of root, seed and flowers. Potassium is essential for growth of buds and ripening of fruits. Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria converts atmospheric nitrogen gas into solid nitrogen compounds that can be absorbed by plants. Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria dissolves unavailable phosphorus compounds in the root zone of the plant into a soluble form and makes it available along with other elements to the plant. Potash Mobilising Bacteria increases the resistance of crops to hot and dry conditions, insects, pests and diseases.
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