EarthMinded FlexiFit Universal Diverter System - Works with Standard Rectangular Downspouts - Easily Connects Your Existing Rain Barrel to a Downspout Diverter System
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EarthMinded FlexiFit Universal Diverter System - Works with Standard Rectangular Downspouts - Easily Connects Your Existing Rain Barrel to a Downspout Diverter System

Product ID: 23136263
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The Earth Minded Flexifit Diverter System makes it easy to repurpose rainwater from gutters, rooftops, and downspouts. Whether redirecting rainwater into a collection barrel for reuse in lawn and garden watering, or redirecting rainwater directly into a nearby garden or flower bed, the downspout diverter for rain barrel is a simple system for diverting the maximum amount of rainwater for your choice of use. With the environmental and cost-saving benefits of a water collection system, the rain diverter for rain barrel is a great addition to your home and garden routine. The rain diverter for downspout regulates the amount of water in the the rain barrel to a consistent height. Once the water level equals the height of the diverter, water continues to flow down the downspout, eliminating the need for an overflow hose. The rain barrel diverters use the back pressure of the water in the barrel or rain tank to prevent more water from entering the barrel. With a diverter, debris continues to flow down the down spout instead of flowing into the top of your rain barrel as is the case of a rain barrel with out a diverter. The gutter diverter creates a sealed system, preventing mosquitoes from living inside your rain barrel. Works with standard rectangular downspouts KIT INCLUDES: Downspout Diverter, Winter Cover, Screws, Fill Hose, Hose Seal, Drill Bits We offer the latest parts kit - the hose has been replaced with one that does NOT get cut!! **CAUTION: if you have deep ridges in your downpipe you may experience leakage around the rain downspout diverter.

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