What makes Gullo’s Octopus so special? Tenderization: Tenderizing makes the difference. Tenderization is a method using a tumbler, sea salt, and cold water. It’s a natural process where no additives or chemicals are ever used. This process breaks down the muscles of the octopus and gives us what is called “flower octopus”. Flower octopus is a beautifully round curled up octopus in the shape of a flower. Our octopus can be stored at 0 degrees and will last up to two years. Furthermore, it can be thawed and re-frozen without losing any of its succulent flavors. Freezing further tenderizes the octopus. Our products are flash-frozen on-vessel. This process provides a high-yield, significantly higher than non-tenderized products. Non-tenderized octopus and sepia yield around 50% once cooked, whereas the Gullo octopus and sepia yield between 70%-90%, depending on the size.