Freshly prepared duck is formulated with sweet potato and orange. This recipe has no artificial colours or preservatives with everything an adult dog requires. Jalex Grain Free Duck, Orange & Sweet Potato is a complete, hypoallergenic ad well-balanced pet food for adult dogs. Grain free dog foods are the perfect choice for dogs with grain intolerance or sensitivity. Our Grain free dog foods contain higher proportion of freshly prepared meats than a lot of other pet foods on the market, and using the latest technology available, we are able to slowly remove the moisture at very low temperatures leaving a perfectly cooked dry kibble with all the flavour and nutritional values held in. Due to this process and higher nutritional value, less food is required. As we only use high quality ingredients and meats, there are no meat derivatives, feathers, beaks or any other product that would not be recognised as a meat. Only one protein (duck) is present, not a variety of proteins as present in other pet foods so you can be sure that this pet food contains only what it says in the title. Why Duck? Duck is a lean, nutrient-dense source of protein and provides nutrients such as iron, selenium, B vitamins and zinc which contribute towards general health and wellbeing. Why Sweet Potato? Sweet potato contains much more fibre than your common potato, it is an amazing source of vitamin A, and is also rich in vitamins C and B6 alongside other beneficial minerals Why Orange? Orange is well-known for being rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant which can help support the immune system. Jalex Pet Nutrition believes that only the highest quality ingredients should be used in all its pet food products and as healthy as possible.
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