"The ELECTRIBE A is a compact analog modeling synth box that lets you create analog synthesizer, bass, and sound effect sounds simply - just tweak the knob that controls each element of the sound as on an analog synthesizer. Operation is easy and intuitive because the results of moving the knobs are reflected immediately in the sound. The sounds you create on this compact synthesizer can be input to the internal sequencer to create phrases." "Volume dynamics and filter frequencies of the sounds or patterns you create can be modified using the knobs. You can record these changes into the sequencer precisely as you make them. Use this capability to create continuous shifts in the sounds or to gradually apply an effect, creating phrases that include tonal changes. Phrases you create can be stored as a pattern that includes a chosen knob movement, and up to 256 1 to 4-bar patterns can be stored in internal memory."
1 week ago
2 months ago