EvoNation Men & Women Copper Compression Ankle Sleeves – Mild Pressure Compression Garment
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EvoNation Men & Women Copper Compression Ankle Sleeves – Mild Pressure Compression Garment

Product ID: 22732947
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Sometimes a little more pressure is a very good thing. EvoMotion knows this and has put that knowledge to good use in the design of our advanced graduated compression garments. EvoMotion uses a computer-controlled manufacturing process to ensure your compression garment will provide the perfect fit for fitness you require; applying a consistent level of compression where you need it, when you need it. Our proprietary, graduated compression zone technology is literally woven into the very fabric of our products, scientifically engineered for your health, endurance, safety and comfort. Advanced graduated compression is the direct application of circumferential constrictive force upon the outer layers of the extremities. Blood circulating near the surface is progressively forced back into the deeper, narrower vessels leading to a reduction of the diameter of distended veins and the consequential rise of arterial pressure that further results in an enhanced blood flow back to the heart and lungs (for another refreshing round of oxygenation and recirculation). In other words, EvoMotion puts more "go" into the "flow." And how do we accomplish this? EvoMotion's computer-controlled manufacturing technology makes possible the micro-scaled, compressive knit patterning that underlie all the breakthrough comfort, health and endurance benefits our products confer. It's our deep research and cutting edge technology that makes all the difference. Our knit has been mathematically engineered to exert just the correct amount of pressure for its intended position on the sock. Our scientists have devised specialized microscopic knit structures for optimal compression at any given point on the garment which definitely gives EvoMotion a leg up on the competition! And not only are EvoMotion products smart to wear, they look smart too!

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